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Home > Topics > Human Services > Child Abuse

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Child Abuse: Know the Signs and Stop the Violence Against Children

Every 10 seconds in America, someone reports to the authorities that they believe a child is being abused. That's a staggering amount — and yet the professionals who help these children believe the actual incidence of abuse and neglect in our country is three times higher than what's reported. Take a stand: Learn the signs of child abuse and neglect. Find out how to make a report. And discover the ways you can volunteer with and donate to the organizations that help the children who cannot help themselves. When you help to save a child, you do more than save that child today. You save the future.

Did you know that everyday, 559 kids are kidnapped in America by a family member? The emotional, psychological, and physical impact on children makes family abduction a serious form of child endangerment. Knowing the risk factors involved is the first step to preventing family abduction in your community.

Take our quiz to get informed about this hidden crime and take action today to help keep more kids safe nationwide.

Provided by:, a project of the Polly Klaas Foundation.

Make A Donation
Thousands of organizations around the country work to help end child abuse.

Support one of the following, or search for a charity in your area.

Child Welfare League of America
Improving lives for abused & neglected children.

Children's Defense Fund
Education and support

Children Now
Working to put children first.

Coalition on Child Abuse and Neglect
Victim services

Mothers Against Sexual Abuse
Sexual abuse prevention programs

Prevent Child Abuse
Abuse and neglect prevention
Help keep more kids safe in America.

Love Our Children USA
Dedicated to breaking the cycle of violence against children.

Be A Volunteer
People are the key to stopping abuse. You can get involved in so many ways.

Volunteer with one of these organizations or, search for opportunities in your area.

Children's Defense Fund
Work to leave no child behind.

National CASA Association
Become a Court Appointed Special Advocate

National Center for Missing & Exploited Children
Find online and offline volunteer opportunities.

Prevent Child Abuse America
Reach out to support kids and parents.

Safeguarding our Children — United Mothers
Join an online community volunteer meeting

Love Our Children USA
Participate in the Make Kids A Priority Campaign

Speak Out
Learn what you can do to take action against child abuse.

Amber Alert Now
Help send more missing kids home.
Speak Out

Child Welfare League of America
Stay informed on issues that affect children, youth & families.
Speak Out

Children Now
Be a part of an online action team.
Speak Out

Children's Defense Fund
Speak out to "Leave No Child Behind."
Speak Out

Prevent Child Abuse America

Legislative Action Center
Speak Out

Tips on Advocacy
Speak Out

Stop Family Violence
Give your family a voice.
Speak Out
Take action today to prevent family abductions and keep more kids safe.
Speak Out

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