Make A Donation
Support suicide prevention.
Donate to one of the charities below, or search for another related charity.
Active Minds
Addressing suicide prevention among the high-risk group of college students.
American Association of Suicidology
Dedicated to understanding & preventing suicide.
American Foundation for Suicide Prevention
Advancing knowledge of suicide & our ability to prevent it.
Families for Depression Awareness
Helping families recognize & cope with depressive disorders.
Jason Foundation
Increasing awareness & prevention of youth suicide.
The Jed Foundation
Reducing the suicide rate among college and university students.
Light for Life Foundation
For the prevention of teen suicide.
National Mental Health Association
Leading the way for America's mental health.
National Suicide Help Center
Hotline & crisis intervention.
Not My Kid
Raising awareness about youth & adolescent mental & behavioral health issues.
Parents Against Teen Suicide
Teen education & crisis hotline.
Suicide Awareness/Voices of Education
Confidential emotional support 24 hours a day.
Suicide Prevention Action Network USA
Increasing awareness about suicide & advocating for suicide prevention.
Be A Volunteer
You can help prevent suicide by volunteering in your community.
Explore one of the volunteer opportunities here, or search for another near you.
American Foundation for Suicide Prevention Register for an "Out of the Darkness" walk.
Big Brothers Big Sisters Make a difference in a child's life.
Bright Side Brighten up someone's life.
Lifekeeper Foundation Contribute to the National Memory Quilt.
Not My Kid Be a virtual volunteer.
Meet the challenges of suicide prevention.
Download a Community Action Kit.
Samaritans Be a "listener for life."
Suicide Prevention Action Network USA Participate in an awareness event.
Learn More
The more we know about suicide and its warning signs, the more we can do to prevent it.
Use the resources below to learn more.
American Psychological Association
How to find help for life's problems.
Bright Side
Educational materials & resources to help you cope with depression, grief, or suicide.
Families for Depression Awareness
Resources to help families recognize & manage depression.
Gift of Keith
Information for sibling survivors.
Support for those who have lost a loved one through suicide.
National Mental Health Association
Become an effective voice for change.
National Strategy for Suicide Prevention
Mental health policy & legislation.
National Youth Violence Prevention Resource Center
Stop youth violence before it starts.
Not My Kid
Parent Help.
Suicide Prevention Action Network USA
Send advocacy letters.