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Kids and Adults with Disabilities

One in every five Americans is affected by a disability that impacts vision, hearing, mobility, mental development or ability to learn. This translates into 54 million people striving to gain greater independence within their communities.

What are some of the effects of having a disability? Nearly 70 percent of adults with disabilities between the ages of 18 and 64 are unemployed, while more than two-thirds of these adults with disabilities say they would prefer to be working. Internet access for Americans with disabilities is half that of people without disabilities.

Eleven years ago the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) made it a violation of federal law to discriminate against a person with a disability. Though progress has been made in the last decade, too many Americans with disabilities remain trapped in bureaucracies of dependence, denied the tools they need to fully benefit from - and provide benefit to - their communities.

There are a number of ways you can help people with disabilities achieve these goals.

*Sources: U.S. Census Bureau, U.S. Department of Education, National Organization on Disability, U.S. Department of Labor, U.S. Administration on Aging.

Make A Donation
Your donation will help people with disabilities enjoy greater independence.

Support one of the following, or search for others that help people with disabilities.

Easter Seals, Inc.
Helps individuals with disabilities live with equality, dignity, and independence.

Associated Blind, Inc.
Promotes autonomy and self-determination for the visually impaired

Canine Assistants, Inc.
Trains service dogs to assist children and adults with special needs

Capper Foundation for Crippled Children
Enhances the independence of people with physical disabilities, primarily children

Opportunities Unlimited
Maximizes personal potential through dignified and purposeful living

Special Olympics, Inc.
Provides year-round sports training and athletic competition

Lighthouse International
Enables people of all ages who are blind or partially sighted to lead independent and productive lives

National Association of the Deaf
Promote the welfare of the deaf community in education, economic security, social equality, and privileges as citizens.

National Federation of the Blind, Inc.
Enables people to come together to plan and carry out programs to improve the quality of life for the blind

National Organization for Chronically Ill Kids
Helps improve the quality of life for children disabled by chronic illness.

National Organization on Disability
Expands the participation and contribution of America's 54 million men, women and children with disabilities in all aspects of life.

Be A Volunteer
Your time can make a difference to people with disabilities.

Volunteer with one of these organizations or search for other opportunities.

Easter Seals near YOU!

American Disability Defense Union

Deaf and Hard of Hearing in Government

Guide Dog Foundation for the Blind

Points of Light Foundation

Be a Virtual Volunteer!

Speak Out
Your voice can benefit people with disabilities. Show your support by speaking out!

ADA Watch
Protect civil rights of people with disabilities
Speak Out

Consortium for Citizens with Disabilities
Working for the rights, services & support for people with disabilities
Speak Out

Easter Seals
Current Legislative Issues
Speak Out

United Cerebral Palsy
Advocacy & public policy
Speak Out

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