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Favorite Charities List

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Search for your favorite charities using our Donate Search tools. When you find a charity you like, add it to your Favorite Charities List by simply clicking the Add to My Favorites button. You can add as many charities as you'd like to your Favorite Charities List.

Share a Favorite Charities List

Once you create a Favorite Charities List, let your friends and family know about it! Send an e-mail message inviting them to view your Favorite Charities List, and make donations on your behalf.

Find a Favorite Charities List

Search for the Favorite Charities List of a friend or family member. Use the Find a Favorite Charities List tool to the right, and make a gift that makes a difference!

View Your Favorite Charities List

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Search for the Favorite Charities List of a friend or family member by entering their e-mail address below.

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