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Drug Abuse Information

Drugs are a problem that confront us all. Know what we're up against.

General Drug Abuse Resources

American Council for Drug Education
This site features material to provide parents employers, educators, health professionals, policy-makers and the media with authoritative information on drugs and their effects.

Drug Enforcement Agency
Factual information on which drugs are prevalent in each of the 50 states.

National Clearinghouse for Alcohol and Drug Information
The Truth About Methamphetamine - Clear, concise information on how methamphetamine works and what it does.

National Institute on Drug Abuse
Research and information on the health aspects of drug abuse and addiction, including methamphetamine

United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime
Drug and drug-related crime information from all around the globe.

For Parents, Youth, and Families
A teen-oriented site that provides drug information and support.

Parents: The Anti-Drug serves as a drug prevention information center, and a supportive community for parents to interact and learn from each other.

Parenting is Prevention
Links and information on specific drugs, including methamphetamine and marijuana.

Partnership for a Drug-Free America
A comprehensive Web site featuring information on all types of drugs as well as the latest news, public service announcements, and community resources. Its information on methamphetamine include stories from real life abusers.

Talk With Your Kids
Tips on talking with your kids about alcohol and drugs, and other tough issues.

Treatment and Recovery

Recovery Month 2003
Information and strategies to encourage addiction recovery.
Information on drugs and substance abuse groups.

Substance Abuse & Mental Health Services Administration
Find a substance abuse treatment facility.

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