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Stroke Awareness

Strokes are often called "the silent killers" — not just for their quiet and even painless nature, but because public knowledge about them is so limited. Many people don't know that a stroke works by interrupting the flow of blood to the brain, or what the symptoms of a oncoming stroke might be. And yet stroke is the third-leading cause of death for Americans, and the number one cause of disability. Over the course of time, four out of five American families will be affected by stroke.

Let's change this during this National Stroke Awareness Month. Education and awareness can help you better understand what a stroke is, how to identify the warning signs of stroke, and how to lower the risk of having one. Learn more about this disease, and the organizations that are providing rehabilitation support, researching new therapies, and reducing the occurrence of stroke through greater awareness.

Every 45 seconds, someone in the U.S. suffers a stroke
Stroke kills more women each year than breast cancer
Stroke can occur at any age
Stroke costs the U.S. $30 billion annually
African Americans are twice as likely to suffer a stroke than Caucasians

Source: National Stroke Association

Make A Donation
Your generosity can help increase awareness and reduce the occurrence of stroke.

Support one of the following, or search for other stroke awareness related charities.

American Heart Association
Fighting heart disease and stroke

American Stroke Association
Research, education & support

American Kidney Fund
Research, education & support

American Stroke Foundation
Improving the quality of life for stroke survivors, families and caregivers

Aphasia Hope Foundation
Support for survivors of aphasia and their caregivers

Hazel K. Goddess Fund for Stroke Research in Women
Addressing critical issues specific to stroke in women

National Aphasia Association
Public education, research, rehabilitation and support services

National Stroke Association
Reducing the incidence and impact of stroke

Stroke Network
Online stroke support

Stroke Prevention & Research Foundation
Scientific and medical research

Be A Volunteer
Use your time and energy to support organizations in your community.

Volunteer with one of these organizations or search for other opportunities.

American Heart Association
Learn CPR and Heartsaver CPR in schools

American Heart Association
Plan a "Jump Rope for Heart" event

American Stroke Foundation
Stroke support and outreach

National Aphasia Association
Help people with aphasia

Speak Out
Show your support through word and action.

Take action with the American Heart Association
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Join Aphasia Hope Foundation's Action Network
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Spread the word with National Aphasia Association
Speak Out

Sign the STOP Stroke Act
Speak Out

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