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Bridging the Digital Divide

It's hard to imagine life without computers. But even in a country as wired as the U.S., there is still a wide gap between those who have access to technology and the skills to benefit from it, and those who don't. A recent report by the Annie E. Casey Foundation states that in low-income central-city neighborhoods, 84% of households with children do not own computers. As a result, many miss out on opportunities to benefit from technology by accessing information, learning valuable computer skills, and communicating with others.

Although access to technology is ever increasing, public computers in libraries and schools are not enough. Studies show that children who have access to computers and the Internet at home have higher self-esteem as a result of developing new skills and taking a pro-active approach to learning and exploring their interests.

A number of organizations have made it their mission to improve the educational, social and economic opportunities for disadvantaged students and their families by providing them with computers and technology skills. Find out how you can help bridge the digital divide.

Make A Donation
Help bridge the digital divide.

Donate to one of these organizations, or search for other related charities

American Computer Foundation
Bridging the digital divide

Byte Back
Providing computer skills to low-income DC area youth and adults

Computer Mentors Group
Providing computer training and computers to underprivileged youth.

Computers 4 Kids
Equitable access to technology resources

Computers for All
Computers for everyone - no matter their income level

Computers for Children
Increasing children's access to computers

Computers for Classroom
Helping teachers make computers available to underprivileged children

Computers for Youth Foundation
Providing computers to inner-city students and their teachers

Helping Educate, Activate, Volunteer & Empower via the Net

Envisions a society in which all people are equitably empowered by technology skills and usage.

Be A Volunteer
Share your time and expertise to make computer technology available to all children.

Volunteer with one of these organizations or, search for opportunities in your area.

Computers for Children
Help refurbish computers for classroom donation

Computers for Youth (NY-based)
Train families on setting up and using computers

Technology Recycling Program

Donate your Computer
Find out how you can bridge the digital divide by donating your old computer equipment.

Computers for Youth
Corporate donations of 50 or more computers at a time

Lazarus Foundation
Nonprofit computer recycling foundation

Computer recycling for education

National Cristina Foundation
Donate computers to help children with special needs

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