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Wildlife Protection
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Wildlife Protection

Despite media reports, it's estimated that fewer than 50 shark attacks occur worldwide each year (fewer than seven of which are fatal), and the likelihood of being attacked by a grizzly bear is minimal. It's true that animals and people don't always mix, but before you cancel your sailing or camping trip, educate yourself on the facts and fiction.

Large predators including sharks, grizzly bears, and wolves are necessary for the survival of the food chain. They promote healthy ecosystems by helping to maintain a predator/prey balance. In areas where humans have eliminated large predators (by hunting wolves, for example), animals like deer and elk tend to become overpopulated.

Although predators are more likely to retreat than attack when encountering humans, find out what you need to know to protect yourself and your family, and to protect endangered animals. Through education and action, we can help preserve healthy, diverse environments where humans and wildlife can coexist. Use the links below to get started now.

Make A Donation
Make a donation to protect wildlife.

Review the organizations below or search for other related charities.

Defenders of Wildlife
Adopt a bear or a wolf

Great Bear Foundation
Conserving bears & their habitats

National Park Conservation Association
Wildlife Protection

National Wildlife Federation
Protect wildlife

Natural Resources Defense Council
Earth's best defense

Pandas International
Saving the panda through research and preservation efforts

Sierra Club
Explore, enjoy, & protect the planet

Wolf Recovery Foundation
Learn how to protect wolves

World Wildlife Fund
Protecting the world's wildlife and wildlands

Be A Volunteer
Show your wild side — give the gift of time.

Volunteer with one of these organizations or search for opportunities in your area.

Alliance for the Wild Rockies
Spend the summer working for the Wild Rockies

National Parks Conservation Association
Become a steward of your parks

Sierra Club
Take an Outdoor Service Trip

Help in your local area, or in cyberspace

Be a Virtual Volunteer!

Speak Out
Show your support; speak out for wildlife protection.

Defenders of Wildlife
Help save grizzly bears
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Defenders of Wildlife
Take action for wolf restoration
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National Park Conservation Association
Protect grizzlies from development threat
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National Wildlife Federation
Join an Action Alert Network
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Save Wolves
Sign a petition to save wolves
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Sierra Club
Protect the Endangered Species Act
Speak Out

Direct protection for wildlife in danger
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World Wildlife Fund
Take action around the world
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Yellowstone National Park
Support Bear Safety & Wolf Restoration Programs
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