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Beaches and Oceans

Keep Our Beaches Clean

Ah, the beach . . . the sand, the surf, the sun . . . seagulls calling to each other, fish jumping, crabs skittering across the shore. There's something about the rhythm of the waves and the feel of the sand beneath your bare feet that soothes the soul.

But coastal development, erosion, and water pollution are no day at the beach. Increasing numbers of tourists visiting beaches each year take an environmental toll, putting coastal areas and the wildlife that inhabit them at risk. Overfishing and even cruise ships threaten our oceans.

Fortunately, there are a lot of conservation groups dedicated to saving America's beaches, oceans, and coastlines. You can make a difference in many ways. Become and advocate for marine protected areas, make a donation to help save degraded salt marshes, or just practice good beach behavior, like picking up litter - and picking up after yourself. Find out about more ways you can help today.

How you can keep beaches clean and safe

Leave no trace (if you carry it in, carry it out)
Use public restrooms (help keep beach water clean)
Don't tread the dunes (prevent beach erosion)
Know your limits (swim, surf & boat safely)
Respect native habitats (wildlife & plants)
Mind your pet (help keep beaches sanitary)
Get involved!


Make A Donation
With your support, these organizations can continue working to save our beaches.

Review the organizations below or search for other related charities.

Clean Beaches Council
Devoted to sustaining America's beaches

Cousteau Society
Protect the water planet for future generations

Defending the right of all people to a healthy environment

Ocean Conservancy
Solutions to issues affecting our oceans & all marine life

Protecting the world's oceans

Surfrider Foundation
Protecting our oceans, waves & beaches

World Wildlife Fund
Save our seas

Be A Volunteer
A little time can go a long way. Participate in beach clean-up and other awareness projects.

Volunteer with one of these organizations or search for opportunities in your area.

Earth 911
Get involved in community clean-up efforts

Environmental Protection Agency
Volunteer water monitoring

National Estuary Program
Volunteer estuary monitoring

Ocean Conservancy
International coastal cleanup

Join the Respect the Beach program

Year of Clean Water
Participate in National Water Monitoring Day

Speak Out
Save the oceans through advocacy and action.

Clean Water Network
Join the Clean Water Action Center
Speak Out

Say no to dumping industrial waste in U.S. waters
Speak Out

Ocean Conservancy
Sign the Ocean Wilderness Pledge
Speak Out

Fight for clean beaches
Speak Out

Surfrider Foundation
Take action to help our coastal environment
Speak Out

World Wildlife Fund
Take action around the world
Speak Out

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