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Support Hybrid Cars

Hybrid Cars for a Greener World

The type of automobile we drive has a greater impact on the environment than any other consumer choice we make. In just one year, the average car emits nearly 730 pounds of chemicals hazardous to your health, plus more than 10,000 pounds of carbon dioxide (which contributes to global warming). The numbers are even higher for light trucks, such as SUVs. In addition, poor gas mileage leads to increased drilling, more spills from oil tankers and more refineries polluting the environment.

Many organizations are working to promote the development and use of hybrid cars, and they need your help.

Make A Donation
Your gift will help support groups that promote "greener" cars.

Review the organizations below or search for other related charities.

American Council for an Energy Efficient Economy (ACEEE)
Research & education

Ecology Center
Environmental protection & quality

Environmental Defense Fund, Inc.
Advocacy & education

Northeast Advanced Vehicle Consortium
Research and development of hybrid vehicle technology

Union of Concerned Scientists, Inc.
Environmental protection

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