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Global Warming
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Global Warming

Is it hot in here? The earth's temperature has risen one degree Fahrenheit over the past century, and the increase has accelerated over the past two decades, according to the Environmental Protection Agency. It's pretty clear that most of the recent warming is attributable to human activities.

So what's wrong with having summer year-round? A lot, actually. Over time, a climate that's even a few degrees warmer can affect rainfall, sea levels, and air quality. It might cause droughts in some areas and flooding in others. Some parts of the world, particularly hotter climates, are likely to be more affected than other areas. This may have significant impact on plants, wildlife, and humans. When climates change rapidly, ecosystems often can't adjust quickly enough to survive.

Fortunately, there are many things we can do to slow global warming. Simple steps like carpooling and turning off lights can reduce amounts of greenhouse gases in the atmosphere. Even shopping (for energy saving products!) can help save the planet. Find other ways to help today.

Global Challenge, Global Opportunity
Download a United Nations report on the threats that development poses to Earth.

Make A Donation
A donation will help curb global warming and its effects.

Review the organizations below, or search for other related charities.

Center for Neighborhood Technology
Achieving environmental goals in urban areas

Earth Island Institute
Innovative action for the environment

Environmental Defense
Protecting environmental rights

Green House Network
Mobilizing people to stop global warming

Greenpeace Fund
Solutions for a green & peaceful future

National Wildlife Federation
Protecting wildlife from the effects of global warming to create a cleaner environment for wildlife and our children

Sierra Club Foundation
Preserving & protecting the natural environment

The Nature Conservancy
Preserving habitats and species by saving the lands and waters they need to survive.

Union of Concerned Scientists
Citizens & scientists for environmental solutions

World Wildlife Fund
Protecting the world's wildlife & wildlands

Be A Volunteer
Take steps to stop global warming.

Volunteer with one of the organizations below, or search for opportunities in your area.
Calculate your personal impact on the environment

Green House Network
20 tips to reduce global warming

Race to Stop Global Warming
Volunteer for road races

Speak Out
Show your support for Mother Earth - speak out against global warming.

Earth Island Institute
Take action & make a difference for the Earth
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Environmental Defense
Join the environmental action center
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Become a CyberActivist for Earth
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Race to Stop Global Warming
Show your support for Mother Earth
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Save Our Environment
Tell President Bush to stop global warming
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Sierra Club
Join the Global Warming Campaign
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World Wildlife Fund
Help stop global warming
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