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Home > Topics > Animals & Environment > Energy Use
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Energy Use and the Environment

Energy use is a complicated and much debated subject whether you are interested in policy issues, conservation and efficiency, or the development of renewable energy resources such as wind and solar energy.

While businesses and institutions can take large steps toward using energy as efficiently as possible, we as individuals can do our part as well. Help to promote a sustainable energy future for the United States by taking action below.

Make A Donation
Your generosity could help improve our environment.

Support these energy-related organizations, or search for other related charities.

Environmental Defense
Protects environmental rights
Click here to make a donation to help our environment

Alliance to Save Energy
Promotes efficient & clean energy use
Click here to make a donation to help our environment

Center for A New American Dream
Supports consumption reduction
Click here to make a donation to help our environment

Center for Ecological Technology, Inc.
Promotes environmentally sound technologies
Click here to make a donation to help our environment

Center for Safe Energy
A program from Earth Island Institute, Inc. Promotes energy efficiency
Click here to make a donation to help our environment

Earth Resource Group, Inc.
Promotes environmentally sound technologies
Click here to make a donation to help our environment

Earth Share
Environmental protection
Click here to make a donation to help our environment

Energy Outlet
Promotes electrical energy conservation
Click here to make a donation to help our environment

Enersol Associates, Inc.
Facilitates solar energy projects
Click here to make a donation to help our environment

Global Energy Network International
Links renewable energy resources
Click here to make a donation to help our environment

Global Village Institute
Promotes environmentally sound technologies
Click here to make a donation to help our environment

Green Empowerment
Promotes green energy projects
Click here to make a donation to help our environment

Greenpeace Fund, Inc.
Promotes green & peaceful solutions to environmental problems
Click here to make a donation to help our environment

Houston Advanced Research Center
Energy research & technology development
Click here to make a donation to help our environment

Hydrogen Energy Center
Promotes renewable hydrogen-based energy
Click here to make a donation to help our environment

Natural Resources Defense Council, Inc.
Protects environmental rights
Click here to make a donation to help our environment

Speak Out
You can take action right now.

Become an online activist for the environment! Join Environmental Defense Action Network
Click here to become and online activist for the environment

Become an Alliance Activist with the Alliance to Save Energy
Click here to become an Alliance Activist with the Alliance to Save Energy

The Earth Action Center From Natural Resources Defense Center
Click here to learn about the Earth Action Center

Take action with Greenpeace US
Click here to take action with Greenpeace US

Take a consumption quiz
Click here to take a consumption quiz

Learn More
Learn more about energy use and how it affects you.

Earth saving tips
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Energy & the Environment - from Environmental Defense
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Energy efficiency information for homeowners
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How daylight can improve student performance
Learn More

Resources from the Energy Efficiency and Renewable Energy Network
Learn More

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