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Tips on Giving to Your Place of Worship

There are many ways of giving back to your church or other religious institution, including tithing, or giving 10% of your personal wealth to God; cash donations, which may be collected during weekly services; and planned donations, which may involve a set donation schedule, or a bequest upon your death.

As with all charitable organizations, there are several basic guidelines to follow when making donations to your church or other religious institution:

  1. Plan your donation into your budget just as you would any with any financial obligation. This is especially important if you tithe or chose a planned donation option.
  2. Don't be afraid to ask questions, including how much of your gift will be used for administrative costs. Other questions you might consider are whether or not the organization has a plan for success and whether their goals are compatible with the requirements of your specific religious beliefs.
  3. Keep records, as your gift may be tax deductible. Also, be sure you know how much is deductible.
  4. Think about alternative forms of giving such as bequests, charitable gift annuities, and endowments.
  5. Volunteer your time.

Get more information on tithing
Read The Philanthropist's Dilemma an article by Michael Therrian
Find out how your organization stacks up
Learn about Zakat, one of the pillars of Islam
Learn about the Jewish tradition of Tzedakah.
Interfaith Calendar — sacred times and events for major world religions

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