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Diabetes: A Growing Concern

An estimated 17 million men, women and children in the United States have diabetes, a disease whose complications can have serious and even life-threatening effects. But nearly six million of those with the disease aren't even aware they have it… a fact that puts them further at risk. The good news is that when diagnosed, diabetes can be controlled, and diabetics can lead vibrant active lives at every age. It's time to know more about how diabetes strikes, whether you might be at risk, and what you can do to control the disease for yourself and your family — and to help in the search for treatments that better the lives of diabetics everywhere.

•  Diabetes occurs when the body is unable to produce or process insulin, which helps the body process food into energy.
•  Diabetes can affect the heart, feet, eyes, kidneys and nerves.
•  In many cases, diabetes can be treated through diet and exercise — sometimes losing weight is enough to help control the disease!

Source: American Diabetes Association

Make A Donation
Donate to support diabetes care, research, and prevention.

Review the organizations below or search for other related charities.

American Diabetes Association Research Foundation
Support diabetes research

American Diabetes Association
Diabetes research, information and advocacy

Barton Center for Diabetes Education
Helping children live well with diabetes

Diabetes Action Research and Education Foundation, Inc.
Funding promising research projects

Diabetes Institutes Foundation
Research towards a cure for diabetes

Diabetes Trust Fund
Finding a cure for diabetes through research, education and treatment

Iacocca Foundation "Join Lee Now"
Helping to fund innovative diabetes research

Joslin Diabetes Center, Inc.
Diabetes research, patient care and training

Juvenile Diabetes Foundation International
Dedicated to finding a cure for juvenile diabetes

Shape Up America
Better health through fitness and diet

Be A Volunteer
Make a difference in the fight against diabetes.

Share your time with one of these organizations or search for other opportunities in your area.

American Diabetes Association
Use your experience to support diabetes prevention

America's Walk for Diabetes
Take steps to find a cure

Juvenile Diabetes Research Foundation International
Volunteer at a local chapter

Ride to Cure Diabetes
Put diabetes under our wheels for good

Speak Out
The challenge of defeating diabetes takes a community. Here's how you can get involved.

American Association of Diabetes Educators
Legislative Call to Action
Speak Out

Diabetes Action Research & Education Foundation
Take Action against Diabetes
Speak Out

Diabetes Advocacy
From the American Diabetes Foundation
Speak Out

International Diabetes Federation
Join in World Diabetes Day
Speak Out

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