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Cerebral Palsy

Cerebral palsy is a chronic condition that affects muscle coordination. It usually appears before or during birth or shortly after, and is caused by damage to certain parts of the brain that control body movements. Cerebral means having to do with the brain, and palsy refers to muscle weakness or problems.

About 500,000 people in the United States have some form of cerebral palsy, and each year, about 8,000 infants and 1,500 preschool-age children are diagnosed with the condition, according to United Cerebral Palsy (UCP). While there is no cure for cerebral palsy, it can be managed with therapy, medication, or surgery to help improve muscle function, allowing people with cerebral palsy to lead near-normal lives. This month, UCP demonstrates this in "Door to Door ", a television movie based on the true story of a door-to-door salesman living and working with cerebral palsy.

From helping to purchase sports equipment for athletes with disabilities to volunteering at an organization that trains disabled workers, there are many ways you can help people with cerebral palsy.

Content provided by:
United Cerebral Palsy

Effects of cerebral palsy range from mild to severe, depending the areas of the brain that are damaged. Some effects include:

muscle tightness or spasticity
involuntary movement
problems with speech and swallowing
sight and vision problems
learning disabilities
mental retardation

Source: United Cerebral Palsy

Make A Donation
Your generosity will help those living with cerebral palsy.

Support one of the following, or search for other related charities.

United Cerebral Palsy
Help people with cerebral palsy & other disabilities

Boyer Children's Clinic
Helping children with neuromuscular disorders reach their potential

Kenny Rogers Children's Center
Developmental & therapeutic services for children with special needs

March of Dimes Birth Defects Foundation
Research and programs to save babies from birth defects

National Center for Equine Facilitated Therapy
Using horses to provide therapy to physically disabled children & adults

Rehabilitation Institute of Chicago
The leading rehabilitation center in the country

U.S. Cerebral Palsy Athletic Association
Help buy sports equipment for disabled athletes

Be A Volunteer
You can make a difference in someone's life.

Volunteer with one of these organizations or, search for opportunities in your area.

United Cerebral Palsy
Volunteer at a chapter near you

Cerebral Palsy Ability Center
Help with summer camp, program services, or special event planning

Easter Seals
Volunteer at events & camps, or in a local chapter

March of Dimes Birth Defects Foundation
Join a club or plan a fund-raising event

Rehabilitation Institute of Chicago
Help patients and assist staff in the Chicago area

Speak Out
Help spread awareness by speaking out about cerebral palsy, and related issues.

ADA Watch
Protect civil rights of people with disabilities
Speak Out

Council for Exceptional Children
Take action to improve educational outcomes for students with disabilities
Speak Out

United Cerebral Palsy Action Center
Get involved now at UCP's legislation action center
Speak Out

United Cerebral Palsy Advocacy & Public Policy Tools
Advocate on behalf of individuals with disabilities
Speak Out

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