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Become a Mentor

Forming a trusting relationship with a caring adult can make all the difference in improving the lives of at-risk children and teens.

Now more than ever, kids need mentors to help them navigate the difficult issues of their daily lives -- from drugs and sexual activity to gangs and pressures at school. In many cases, teachers and parents are either overburdened or not present in a child's life.

Mentors provide young people with support, advice, friendship, and reinforcement. Mentoring doesn't require a huge time commitment, special training or expertise to be effective. Simply being a good listener and caring about children are all that's necessary. It's easier than you think to make a difference in a young person's life.

Kids who meet regularly one-on-one with mentors are:

46 percent less likely to begin using drugs
27 percent less likely to begin drinking alcohol
52 percent less likely to skip school
less likely to hit someone
able to get along better with their families

Source: Big Brothers Big Sisters of America

Make A Donation
Help more children and youth benefit from a mentor by supporting these organizations

Donate to one of the organizations below, or search for another related charity.

America's Promise
Working to strengthen youth in America

Big Brothers Big Sisters of America
Experts in youth mentoring since 1904

Boys & Girls Clubs of America
Providing a safe place for kids to learn & grow

Boy Scouts of America
Educational programs for boys & young adults

Girl Scouts of the USA
Giving girls opportunities to build skills for lifetime success

Girl Talk
Inspire young teenagers to build self-esteem through mentoring programs.

Mentoring Center
Mentor training programs

Mentoring USA
One-to-one mentoring to "at risk" populations

National Mentoring Partnership
Resources for mentors and mentoring initiatives nationwide

Be A Volunteer
There are 13 million young people in need of a mentor.

Share your time by being a mentor with one of these organizations, or search for other opportunities in your area.

National Mentoring Partnership
Become a mentor

Big Brothers Big Sisters of America
Make an impact on a child's life

Boy Scouts of America
Learn how to get involved with scouting

Girl Scouts
Help at-risk girls find hidden potential

Girl Talk
Become a Girl Talk leader in your community.

Build strong kids, strong families and strong communities

Speak Out
Show your support for mentoring. Speak out to expand youth opportunities.

Girls Inc.
Help make youth a priority
Speak Out

Girl Scouts
Advocacy issues affecting girls and Girl Scouting
Speak Out

Girl Talk
Start talking! Encourage someone you know to start a chapter!
Speak Out

National Mentoring Partnership
Learn and do more for mentoring legislation
Speak Out

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