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Women's History: Learn More

Women's History on the Web

Promote women's history and the organizations that work to preserve it.

The National Women's History Project
The National Women's History Project recognizes and celebrates the accomplishments of women by providing information and educational materials and programs.

National Women's Hall of Fame
This organization expands the knowledge, appreciation and understanding of women's contributions to the development of our nation.

International Women's Air and Space Museum
Located at Burke Lakefront Airport, in Cleveland Ohio, the museum is a repository of information about women in aviation and space.

The Women's International Center
The center aims to celebrate women and their positive, enduring contributions to humanity through awards and the establishment of a permanent museum.

National Museum of Women in the Arts
The only museum in the world dedicated exclusively to recognizing the contributions of women artists.

Sophia Smith Collection
One of America's premier archives for women's history manuscripts, open to the public; mounts exhibitions, presents lectures and symposia and other women's history programs.

Women Who Lead
This project informs young people about the lives and times of extraordinary women of all places and time periods.

Other Women's Organizations

At home and around the globe, these organizations work to strengthen women's place in the world.

The Global Fund for Women
The Global Fund for Women supports women's human rights organizations around the world.

YWCA of the USA
This organization provides women's shelter, day care, recreational activities and employment training to women across the United States.

National Council for Negro Women
The council works to advance opportunities and the quality of life for African-American women, their families and communities.

United Nations Development Fund for Women
UNIFEM provides financial and technical assistance to programs that promote women's human rights, political participation and economic security.

Vital Voices Global Partnership
Vital Voices supports women's vital roles in building democracies, strong economies and peace.

Women's Funding Network
The Women's Funding Network works to strengthen the women's funding movement, promote women's philanthropic leadership, and increase funding of programs for women of all ages.

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